The charter of the Board of Stewardship is to plan programs which will develop within the members of the Bethlehem congregation good stewardship attitudes in regard to the use of time, talents, and treasures; to provide for the training and utilization of the members for the work of Christ's Kingdom; and to ensure the financial stability of the congregation and its work through a developed program of dedicated, proportionate, "first-fruits" giving.


Simply Giving

We have begun a wonderful program, called Simply Giving, at Bethlehem which will allow you to give your monetary gifts on-line. 
Credit & Debit Cards-Allows you the freedom to make your offerings via credit and debit cards. Great for one-time and recurring donations.
Online Giving-It is an online giving service that works for so much more than donations, you can pay for your registrations, gifts, and  pledges..
ACH-It will allow you to transfer automatically from your checking or savings account on a scheduled basis.


Enroll in the Simply Giving® Program today

Stewardship Board⇒
